EMRG - What Makes EMRG Diff - EMRG

EMRG – What Makes EMRG Diff

EMRG – What Makes EMRG Diff

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What makes EMRG different? Profitability, that is what it comes down to. At the end of the day, it’s nice to have a pretty website. It’s much more important to have a website that drives traffic from your website to your bottom line.

If someone is on your website, I wanna make we capture their information, we might be able to capture something so you can start your sales process. Same thing whether its website, social media, SEO, at the end of the day, your business is to make money, your business to be profitable. So our goal now is, if we’re going to make you profitable after your cost of marketing with us, after you variable cost, any service or any product that you’re selling. You’re profitable, you have some gains afterward then that means we are doing our job right but more importantly for us that means, you going to increase your marketing spend, you’re going to continue spending more to us and that’s why I think this is why we have a high retention rate over the past few years,clients are leaving us.

We used to have a turn over rate when we first started years ago. Clients would sign on, someone stays at someone and when we started focusing on profitability, we started seeing now everyone staying with us, we’re getting referrals now and we’re doing better. Clients are happy, we’re getting much more exposure. People are coming to us in bulk loads now, I think that what makes us stand out from any of the marketing companies and again it comes down to the mission statement–for us, it’s about increasing profit.

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