EMRG - Taking Control of Your Online Reputation - EMRG

EMRG – Taking Control of Your Online Reputation

EMRG – Taking Control of Your Online Reputation

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The first step in taking control of your online reputation is– CLAIM YOUR PAGES.
A few pages are really good for generating online reviews, building your online reputation and most important on is Yelp. Yelp is honestly a very well known, very big place for a lot of traffic comes through, it’s a great way to generate business and profitability for your business.

Yelp being the number 1, Google is number 2. Google places now have Google reviews and it’s another way that people can find your business through Google search and especially if it’s a local business so having a good online reputation on Google is also important.

And lastly, Facebook–it is becoming a pretty big player in the online reputation and review game. Taking more and more market share from Yelp and Google, we’re expecting in the next several years for Facebook to be a bigger player than they are right now but it is still a good way to generate business. The first step again is claiming your pages for Yelp, Google and Facebook for your business and the reason why it’s important is because–One, when you have your pages claimed, you can adjust the information so people now have your contact, your phone number, your address, your hours of operation and maybe a little bit description of what you do but having this information updated is great because it another outlet for people to find you and for you to generate business.

Step 2 in taking control of your online reputation–RESPOND QUICKLY.
Now that you have these platforms and profiles where people can find you and can do outreach to you, you’re gonna get a lot of messages especially if you have a lot of article reviews, so when people message you, you need to respond quickly. Few reasons for this– One, you may not be the only business they are reaching out so whoever responds first is gonna have an advantage on how they’re gonna get the client and generally, the first person to respond as long as you can build some rapport with the client,it’ll be quick to get a conversion or some revenue for your business.

It is not just check-in offers, it’s going to be check-in and incentives. Yelp, for example, has a lot of features where you can create call to actions whether it is a check-in offer, a deal, a certificate and the reason you do this is,it’s the call to action that draws people in, it gives them an incentive to start working with your business but it’s really a win-win situation where you can now build a relationship with your new client, there is a reason now they’re coming to you versus someone else so let’s start off the relationship on a strong point and give them something that they can enjoy too.

You can do this on each one of the platforms we talked about here, both on Yelp, Google and Facebook, their areas of description, their areas for the services you offer and what you wanna do is you want to optimize the keywords in your description and the easiest way to think of how to do this is, without getting too technical on the SEO’s side. Think of what people search for, what are the words they are using when they are looking for your business, what have you heard on your client said in the past, now you know these, use these in your description , this is now a place when people type, next time your business is more likely to pop up for it because places like Yelp, Google and Facebook are seeing “okay, this business is related to those keywords being searched especially if you have strong online reviews, this is gonna help boost your ranking up and ultimately help increase your profitability.

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