EMRG - How to Build Your online audience - EMRG

EMRG – How to Build Your online audience

EMRG – How to Build Your online audience

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I want you to think of this: What are you knowledgeable about? What are you passionate about? What do you enjoy talking about? Once you know these, you know what kind of content you want to write but you also think to yourself: “Is this a value for people to listen to?” If I make a video or a picture or a blog post about this, will people be genuinely interested? Now, that you know what you’re passionate about, what you’re knowledgeable about and you’ve determined that people might be interested in this, is there enough content to write and the answer is absolute yes! Let’s take for example you’re a fishing store, you have hundreds of different products, you have knowledge on different fishing lines and different types of hooks, how you can go fishing and you can go into detail on each one of these points that the information is unlimited, the content that you can create is unlimited.


If you’re a photographer, for example, you’re gonna need more image-heavy. You would want to post things more on Pinterest or Instagram because these areas are where people go to look at nice images more so than Facebook. If you’re a blogger, you might wanna go in sites like Medium, it’s a social network for all bloggers to come together and read their content. If you’re about 3-minute videos or so, Facebook is generally the best place for those types of videos as you can see today. That’s how you wanna be platform-specific.


We want to engage with comments now. Once you created your content, once you’ve chosen your platforms and you delivered the platforms specific type of content, you want to engage to people now, you’re putting up all these great content and you might get people to comment, you might get people to like it, might even get people asking you questions, that’s perfect, it’s an opportunity. Now, you can comment back , people do not want to comment on a page where they think its robotic or there’s nobody there, we want the people behind the business, they want to engage with someone, they want to know someone who is behind the video so that also means if you guys comment today, I’ll be commenting back, I look forward to speaking with you guys, let’s engage in a conversation , let’s do that with our audience because now you build loyalty around your brand when you get people engaged, you keep them coming back for more.


The posting schedule is very important, the last thing you want to do is come up with some great content, get people interested, have people coming to you and then guess what — you disappear for 3 months, the audience think you died. We don’t want that, we want you to actively engage, we want people coming back knowing that you have a routine schedule like our weekly videos for example. If one of you finds these useful, you might come back next weekend to see if we have another video coming out. Having a schedule and setting it for the entire month ahead of time, adjusting as you need but having it set for an entire month will be very helpful.


Calls to action are important because you want to remind people of what you want them to do or how can they help you or how can you grow your business. Today, this is our goal–Building our online audience. You’re going to ask people to comment, like and share your video so you can get more exposure now that you have these good content. Example today, everyone watching, I want you guys to like, I want you guys to comment and if you can please share this video out and get some more exposure so more people can know how they could build their online audience.

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