EMRG - Best Website Practices for Law Firms - EMRG

EMRG – Best Website Practices for Law Firms

EMRG – Best Website Practices for Law Firms

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As a law firm, your goals are different than an e-commerce business. With an e-commerce business, you’re essentially trying to make sales of your products online. You can’t do that with a law firm. We’re gonna be talking about how you can increase revenue and profitability for your law firm and start, let’s talk about copywriting the content you put on your website, this is gonna be very important as it’s gonna be the reasons why people come to your business. Why they fill out the contact forms, why they schedule their appointments with you, why they come in and essentially start working with you. Let’s break that down and let’s start again with the mission statement. Why you do what you do. Why you’re in business and what purpose you’re here to serve. Focusing on that, the rest of your content will generally flow. I don’t want you to just write this on your “About” page under “Mission Statement”. I want you to sprinkle this in as your taglines, your slogans throughout the website. Why you do what you do. This will be very important. Moving on to step 2, Let’s talk about Credibility– it is extremely important and it’s a big reason why people will ultimately decide to come to you even if they’ve already found you or if they’ve been referred to you. Few ways you can establish yourself as credible–Number 1, we have settlements. What past settlements have you received or accomplished for your clients? If you have an extremely large settlement you’ve done in the past. This is where you want to showcase it. This is your chance to show-off and it’s allowed. Settlements are huge. If you have a lot of aggregate settlements where if you combine them over the let’s say the past 20-30 years. Why not showcase yourself as “Over the past 20 years, we’ve had this much in settlements.” That’s again, a great way to showcase your experience, to show that you’re credible. Next is your accreditations, so you have passed the bar if you’re a practicing attorney or at least let’s hope so, right? But you might have other accreditations as well. What certifications do you have? Did you take a class on negotiating before? Have you taken any other specific skill-training classes? This is again, where you want to showcase your skillset. What you’re good at, what you guys do and the 3rd part of credibility is gonna be awards. So there are a lot of awards that attorneys and law firms receive. For example, we have AVO, AVO has been giving out awards for a few years now. And although this is an arbitrary third party review website, a review or rather an award from them is important and it’s a good way to establish yourself as credible with your clients. Another award you might have received in the past is “Super Lawyer Awards”. These are another form of credibility for you to showcase. And anything else that you can think of but moving on to the last part of establishing yourself as credible and this is my favorite because I’ve seen it work and it’s a service we service through reputation management, buy reviews, online reviews this is huge! We talk about this all the time. So let’s talk about the different online reviews that you can get. You have Yelp, you have Google reviews, you have Facebook reviews, you also have AVO reviews. AVO is a huge place for people who are searching for attorneys to look for reviews. Now if they’re on your website, we can easily copy-paste or take images of these reviews or maybe install something that pulls these reviews to your website and this again shows you as credible. It shows that you have experienced that people have liked your services. That they’ve been satisfied with what you’ve done for them. Moving on to our next point from credibility. Those are some great points you can use on your website now as far as your copyright. One thing that will always make you unique from all the other attorneys, because god knows there’s a lot of them, is who you are, the way you operate, the way you do things differently. So, why did you become an attorney? If it was because you used to watch Perry Mason movies back in the day, the tv series and that inspired you to want to bring justice to the world or for whatever reason wanting to investigate and find out. If that’s what had originally inspired you, let’s talk about that. If it was more so just understanding the law and utilizing it to your advantage or thinking of the law as a form of art because it is interpretation. Then that’s what we wanna talk about. One thing that no one can take away from you no matter how much competition there is who you are and how you do things and that’s always gonna be unique to you.

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